
Habituate Process

A good habituate process is an investment for a pleasant time at the nursery!

Handing over part of the care of your child can be scary. Childcare is an extension of education at home, although different forms of interaction and other rules and norms apply in a group at the daycare.

Generally, the ‘get used to’ program takes two days. The child will follow the ‘get used to’ program on the days and dates that have been contractually agreed. One of the pedagogical staff takes care of the child and provides the first introduction. 

At MaiKids we work in a child-oriented way, which means that the habituate schedule can be adapted to the needs of your child. The ‘get used to’ program is not mandatory. 

The aim of the adjustment period is:

– that the child accepts the bottle from the pedagogical staff;

– that the child becomes familiar with the new environment, the group room, the pedagogical staff, the group members, etc .;

– that the parents become familiar with the new situation and can develop a relationship of trust with the pedagogical staff;

– that matters such as feeding schedules, sleep rhythms and dealing with the child are coordinated.


Habituate Schedule

1st day

9.00 – 11.00 Parents bring child to the tribe group and may stay on the group for 15 – 30 minutes. Parents say goodbye and pick up the child at 11:00.

2nd day

9 am – 11 am / 9 am – 5 pm On the basis of the first day of use, the duration of the second day of the day is determined. Option 1: parents bring child to the main group, say goodbye and pick up child again at 11 am. Option 2: Parents bring child to the tribe group, say goodbye and pick up child again at 5 pm. If it turns out in practice that the duration of the wen day is too long, parents are called to pick up the child earlier.