
You can register your child with us and you do not pay registration costs. You can register your child(ren) immediately at the bottom of this page. For our prices click here.

After receiving the registration form we will contact you by email to indicate the possibilities. When there is space for the desired date(s) at the desired location you will immediately receive a digital quote or contract which you can sign digitally. If you do not want to remain on the waiting list, we would like to hear from you.

To apply your child(ren) for daycare you have to follow a couple steps in the online application form. For help see the steps below, please: 

1. At first you choose which daycare type  you want KDV (baby/toddler) and/or BSO (after school program);
2. At the second page you choose the desired branche(s);
3. The third step you choose the daycare product/service; 
3a. For KDV (baby/toddler care) you choose at first for the amount of days you want to bring you child to the daycare. Then, you choose the product. The product consists of the desired amount of weeks, full days or half days, (this only applies for the baby and toddler groups). After you know your product you choose the specific days of the week (mon, teus, wed, etc.); 
3b. For the BSO (after school program) you choose at first the amount of days you want your kid to come to the BSO. Then,  you choose the daycare product. The products consists of the desired amount of weeks, the school of your child and inclusive vacations. When you have you product you choose the specific days of the weeks (mon, tues, wed, etc.). You can also choose for BSo without vacation and marge days; 
4. The last step is to fill in your own and child’s relevant details to complete the online application form. 

When placing, we take the following points into account:

1. A balanced age structure;
2. The number of days and which days;
3. Brothers and sisters of already placed children have priority;
4. We aim for a balanced boys / girls distribution per group.

If you want to use flexible childcare, you can contact the Planning and Placement Department.

If you have questions about the placement of your child, you can mail this to planning@maikids.nl